In March of 2021 the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden invited me to be one of the first two artists to be part of their inaugural Art Residency Program. This lovely invitation wanted me to inhabit the garden for a period of time and creatively explore the main theme of Restore: the healing power of nature, with no particular product or final result in mind.
My exploration started with the actual opening quote in the garden’s residency proposal, a very famous phrase from the British land artist Andy Goldsworthy that says:
“Very often we forget that we are nature. We are not separate from it. So when we talk about being disconnected from nature it really means that we are disconnected from ourselves”
The Circle Of Inner Nature is a project about reconnecting with nature, and I have found that a main way of doing this happens by exploring our deep internal nature. What is it? What does it look like? How does it feel? In this exploration I’ve been particularly drawn to rocks as a natural element, an artistic medium and a spiritual anchor to navigate these questions personally and with others.